German Payslip explained How to read your Salary Slip  Guide

Decoding German Payslip - Quick Lohnabrechnung Guide [2024]


Understanding the German Payslip

A German payslip, also known as “Lohnabrechnung” in Germany, is a crucial document for every working individual in the country. It presents a detailed breakdown of an employee’s earnings, deductions, and net take-home pay for a specific period, typically a month. This document serves as a transparent communication tool between employers and employees regarding salary components, thereby promoting a clear understanding of one’s earnings and deductions.

In Germany, the provision of a monthly payslip is more than a mere organizational practice; it’s a legal requirement. Employers are legally obliged to provide a payslip to their employees every month, showcasing a clear and detailed account of their earnings, deductions, and net salary. This legal obligation underscores the significance of the payslip, not only as a proof of income but also as an essential instrument for maintaining transparency and trust in employment relationships.

The practice of issuing a payslip is grounded in the country’s labor laws and is reflective of the organized and employee-centric labor market in Germany. Through a payslip, employees can have a better grip on their financial standing, understanding the various deductions made and how their net salary is computed.

In the subsequent sections, we delve deeper into the structure of a German payslip, shedding light on common terms, deductions, and how to decode the information presented in a Lohnabrechnung. Whether you are an employee striving to understand your salary slip or an employer looking to explain the payslip to your workforce, this guide aims to provide a comprehensive insight into the German payslip.

Common Deductions

One of the fundamental aspects of a German payslip is the section dedicated to deductions. These deductions are a crucial part of the salary slip structure, giving insight into the various amounts subtracted from the gross salary before arriving at the net salary.

Income Tax (Lohnsteuer)

A significant deduction seen on every payslip is the income tax, known as “Lohnsteuer” in German. The income tax rate in Germany is progressive, ranging from 0% to 45%, depending on the income level. Understanding the income tax deduction is vital for both financial planning and tax compliance.

Solidarity Surcharge (Solidaritätszuschlag)

Following the income tax deduction, a smaller yet notable deduction is the solidarity surcharge or “Solidaritätszuschlag”. This surcharge is levied at 5.5% of the income tax amount and is aimed at financing infrastructure in the eastern states of Germany.

Church Tax (Kirchensteuer)

Church tax, known as “Kirchensteuer”, is another deduction that may appear on a payslip, contingent on the employee’s religious affiliation. The tax rate for church tax varies between 8% and 9% of the income tax amount, depending on the federal state.

Social Security Contributions

Health Insurance (Krankenversicherung)

Health insurance contributions are mandatory for all employees and employers in Germany. The standard contribution rate is approximately 14.6% of the gross salary, shared equally between employer and employee.

Pension Contributions (Rentenversicherung)

Pension contributions are another mandatory social security deduction aimed at securing the employee’s financial stability post-retirement. The contribution rate for pension insurance is around 18.6% of gross income, split equally between employer and employee.

Unemployment Insurance (Arbeitslosenversicherung)

Unemployment insurance is a safeguard against the financial instability that could arise from job loss. A small percentage of the gross salary, typically around 2.4%, is contributed towards unemployment insurance.

The income tax in Germany is calculated based on a progressive tax rate applied to the taxable income.

No, church tax is only applicable to individuals affiliated with certain religious denominations.

Typically, social security contributions are shared equally between employer and employee.

Understanding the deductions on a German payslip is a step towards better financial management and tax compliance. As we delve further into the German Salary Slip Structure in the following sections, we will explore more terms and components that make up the comprehensive picture of an employee’s earnings and deductions.

Understanding Salary Terms

Deciphering Payslip Terminology

A thorough comprehension of the terms used in a German payslip is instrumental in accurately decoding the information it conveys. This section endeavors to elucidate common payslip terms, aiding in a clearer understanding of German Salary Slip Structure.

Gross Salary (Brutto Gehalt)

The starting point of any payslip is the gross salary, which encompasses the total earnings before any deductions are made. It forms the basis for calculating various deductions and net salary.

Net Salary (Netto Gehalt)

Net salary, the amount an employee takes home, is derived by subtracting all the deductions (taxes and social security contributions) from the gross salary. It’s the actual amount credited to the employee’s bank account.

Tax Class (Steuerklasse)

The tax class is a critical factor in determining the income tax rate applied to the gross salary. Different tax classes exist based on marital status, and each class has its tax scale.

Social Security Contributions

These are mandatory contributions shared equally between employer and employee towards health insurance, pension insurance, and unemployment insurance, providing a safety net for employees in various life circumstances.

Net salary is derived by deducting all applicable taxes and social security contributions from the gross salary.

Tax class allocation is primarily influenced by marital status and other personal circumstances.

The rate of social security contributions is fixed, but the actual amount depends on the gross salary.

With the elucidation of these terms, decoding a German payslip becomes a less daunting task. The terms and deductions explained herein are pivotal in understanding the financial dynamics between an employee and employer in Germany, moving a step closer to demystifying the German payslip.

Additional Tips

Leveraging Payslip Information

The details on a German payslip can serve as a robust tool for financial planning. By understanding the deductions and net salary, individuals can better manage their finances, set realistic savings goals, and plan for taxes. It’s essential to comprehend the components of the payslip fully to leverage this information effectively.

Online Resources for Enhanced Understanding

Several online tools and resources can facilitate a deeper understanding of a German payslip and assist in calculating net salary from gross salary. Websites offering tax calculators and forums discussing German payslip terms can be invaluable. Additionally, online platforms like offer tools for tax calculation and advice on optimizing tax refunds.

A clear understanding of your payslip allows for accurate budgeting, tax planning, and financial forecasting.

Yes, platforms like and are geared towards providing tax calculation tools and advice.

It's advisable to review your payslip monthly to ensure accuracy and stay informed about your financial standing.

By embracing the insights provided on a German payslip and utilizing available online resources, individuals can enhance their financial literacy, make informed financial decisions, and better navigate the German tax landscape.

Diving into Common Queries


The payroll accounting in Germany is regulated by a set of laws that ensure transparency and fairness in the employment sector. These laws mandate the provision of detailed payslips to employees and stipulate the information that must be included therein.

Tax classes in Germany are allocated based on marital status and other personal circumstances, impacting the rate of income tax deducted from an individual’s gross salary.

Comprehending the deductions on a payslip aids in financial planning, tax compliance, and fosters a clear understanding between employers and employees regarding salary structures.

Yes, several online platforms provide tools and guides for understanding German payslips, calculating net salary from gross salary, and optimizing tax deductions.

Through this FAQ section, we aim to address common questions and provide further insight into the intricacies of German payslips, aiding in a comprehensive understanding of German Salary Slip Structure.


Recapitulation of Core Insights

This article embarked on a journey to demystify the German payslip, delving into its structure, common terms, and deductions, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of German Salary Slip Structure. We also touched upon the legal framework mandating the issuance of detailed payslips in Germany, thereby underlining the significance of this document in fostering transparency between employers and employees.

Forward Path

With the insights provided, readers are better equipped to decode their payslips and make informed financial decisions. The article also highlighted online resources that can further assist in understanding the nuances of a German payslip. It’s advisable to leverage these resources and, if necessary, seek professional advice to gain a thorough understanding of your payslip. This proactive approach will not only enhance your financial literacy but also empower you in navigating the German payroll landscape proficiently.

Quick Guide For Abbreviation In German Salary Slip

Header of the Payslip

Abbreviation Full Form (German) English Name Description
Arbeitnehmer Nr. or Personal-Nr Arbeitnehmer Nummer or Personalnummer Employee Number Represents the employee number
Geburtsdatum Geburtsdatum Date of Birth Your date of birth
StKl. or Steuerklasse Steuerklasse Tax Class Related to the tax class in Germany
Ki.Frbtr. (Kinderfreibeträge) or ZKF (Zahl der Kinderfreibeträge) Kinderfreibeträge or Zahl der Kinderfreibeträge Tax Exemptions per Child Tax exemptions per child
Konfession or Rel. Konfession or Religion Religion Religion (RK for Roman Catholic; EV for Protestant)
Freibetrag, Steuerfr, or Bezug (Steuerfreibezug) Freibetrag, Steuerfreibetrag, or Bezug (Steuerfreibezug) Tax-free Allowance Tax-free allowance
St. Tg. (Steuertage) Steuertage Tax Days Tax days, usually the appropriate time
SV-Nummer (Sozialversicherungs nummer) or RV-Nummer (Rentenversicherungs nummer) Sozialversicherungsnummer or Rentenversicherungsnummer Social Security Number Social security number
Krankenkasse Krankenkasse Health Insurance Fund Your health insurance fund
KK: % Krankenkasse Beitrag Health Insurance Contribution Rate Your health insurance contribution rate
Eintritt or Eintrittsdatum Eintritt or Eintrittsdatum Date of Hire Date of hire by your employer
SV-Tg. Sozialverischerungstage Sozialversicherungstage Social Security Days Social security days
BGRS or SV Schlüssel / KV / RV / AV / PV Beitragsgruppenschlüssel or Sozialversicherung Schlüssel / Beitragsgruppe KV / RV / AV / PV Social Security Codes Indicate your contribution level
Steuer – ID or Lohnsteueridentifikations nummer (Id Nr.) Steueridentifikationsnummer or Lohnsteueridentifikationsnummer Tax ID Number Your tax ID number
Url. Anspr. (Urlaubsanspruch) Urlaubsanspruch Vacation Days Vacation days as per your contract
Url. Tg. gen. (Urlaubstage genehmigt) Urlaubstage genehmigt Approved Vacation Days Approved vacation days year to date YTD

Earnings & Salary Information

Abbreviation Full Form (German) English Name Description
Brutto Bezüge/Basisbezüge Brutto Bezüge or Basisbezüge Gross Earnings Your gross earnings
Bezeichnung Bezeichnung Description Description against your salary items
Bruttogehalt/Gehalt Bruttogehalt or Gehalt Monthly Base Salary Your monthly base salary
Geldw. Vorteil/Sachbezug Geldwerter Vorteil or Sachbezug Non-cash Benefits Non-cash benefits, subject to total tax and social contributions
VL AG Vermögenswirksame Leistungen Arbeitgeberanteil Voluntary Employer Contribution to Savings Plan Voluntary employer contribution to your savings plan
Betr. AV/BAV Betriebliche Altersvorsorge Employer Contribution to Savings Plan Another employer contribution to your savings plan
Einmalbezug/Einmalzahlung Einmalbezug or Einmalzahlung One-time Bonus One-time bonus for Christmas, holidays, or achievements
Urlaubsgeld Urlaubsgeld Holiday Pay Holiday pay
Gehaltsumwandlung Gehaltsumwandlung Deduction for Tax or Other Social Benefits Deduction for the tax or any other social benefits
ST-frei Steuerfreie Bezüge Tax-free Benefits Tax-free benefits
Gesamtbrutto/Steuer-Brutto Gesamtbrutto or Steuer-Brutto Total Gross Salary (Taxable Amount) Total gross salary but only the taxable amount
Nettoverdienst/Auszahlungsbetrag/Netto Nettoverdienst or Auszahlungsbetrag or Netto Net Salary Net salary paid to your bank account
Abbreviation Full Form (German) English Name Description
Steuerrechtliche Abzüge/Gesetzliche Abzüge Steuerrechtliche Abzüge or Gesetzliche Abzüge Total Tax Deductions Sum of all tax reductions
LSt or Lohnsteuer. lfd. Lohnsteuer laufend Income Tax Progressively calculated (14% – 42%)
Krankenversicherung .lfd Krankenversicherung laufend Health Insurance Contribution Contribution toward German health insurance (14.6%)
Rentenversicherung .lfd Rentenversicherung laufend Pension Insurance Contribution Contribution to pension insurance (18.6%)
Arbeitlosenverischerung .lfd Arbeitlosenversicherung laufend Unemployment Insurance Contribution Contribution to unemployment insurance (2.8%)
Pflegeversicherung .lfd Pflegeversicherung laufend Long-term Care Plan Contribution Contribution to the long-term care plan (3.05 – 3.30%)
laufend (lfd) laufend Current Month Deduction Deducted for the current month
Kirchensteuer (KiSt.) Kirchensteuer Church Tax Depends on confession, usually between 8% – 9%
Solidaritätszuschlag Solidaritätszuschlag Solidarity Surcharge Max 5.5%, only for income above 73,000 euros gross per year (from 2021)
Zusatzbeitrag Zusatzbeitrag Additional Contribution Example given: Hansefit
Abbreviation Full Form (German) English Name Description
SV Sozialversicherung Social Security Insurance Social security insurance
KV – Beitrag Krankenversicherung Beitrag Health Insurance Contribution 14.6% state + 0.69-2.5% fund contribution
PV – Beitrag Pflegeversicherung Beitrag Long-term Care Insurance Contribution 3.05 to 3.30%
AV – Beitrag Arbeitlosenversicherung Beitrag Unemployment Insurance Contribution 2.4%
RV – Beitrag Rentenversicherung Beitrag Pension Insurance Contribution 18.6%
SV – rechtliche Abzüge SV rechtliche Abzüge Social Security Reductions Sum of all social security reductions, usually 50%
SV – AG – Anteil Sozialversicherung Arbeitgeber Anteil Employer Social Security Contributions Sum of all social security contributions by employer, usually 50%
ZV-pflichtiges Entgelt ZV-pflichtiges Entgelt Taxable Salary for Supplementary Pension Basis for levy paid by both employer and employee


  1. Lohnabrechnung erklärt: So verstehen Sie Ihre Gehaltsabrechnung​​
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  4. Lohnabrechnung: Grundlagen und ein Beispiel
  5. Lohnabrechnung: Das müssen Sie wissen
  6. German Payslip Explained - ottonova
  7. Payslip Basics - N26
  8. Lohnabrechnung: How to Read a German Payslip -

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