Best Personal Credit Providers in Germany - Compare and Choose

Best Personal Credit Providers in Germany - Compare and Choose [2024]


Overview of Personal Credit (Privatkredit) in Germany

Personal credit, or Privatkredit, is a fundamental aspect of the German financial landscape. It refers to a loan provided by a bank or other financial institution to an individual for personal use. This could range from financing a car purchase, home renovations, or even consolidating existing debts. The terms of a Privatkredit are typically agreed upon by the lender and borrower, including the interest rate, repayment period, and the loan amount.

Importance of Personal Credit for Individuals and Businesses

Privatkredit plays a crucial role in the financial well-being of both individuals and businesses in Germany. For individuals, it provides the necessary funds to cover large expenses or invest in personal projects. It also offers an opportunity to build a positive credit history, which can be beneficial for future financial endeavors.

For businesses, Privatkredit can serve as a lifeline, providing the necessary capital to fund expansion, purchase equipment, or manage cash flow. It can also be a viable option for startups that may not yet qualify for business loans.

The Process of Obtaining a Personal Credit in Germany

Obtaining a Privatkredit in Germany involves a series of steps. Initially, the borrower needs to determine the amount they need and can afford to repay. Next, they should compare offers from various lenders to find the most favorable terms. This can be done through online comparison portals or by visiting individual bank websites.

Once a suitable lender is found, the borrower submits an application, either online or in-person. The lender then assesses the borrower’s creditworthiness, considering factors such as income, existing debts, and credit history. If approved, the loan amount is disbursed, and the borrower begins repayment as per the agreed schedule.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the typical interest rate for a Privatkredit in Germany?

Interest rates can vary widely depending on the lender, the borrower’s creditworthiness, and the specifics of the loan. However, as of 2022, rates typically range from 3% to 10%.

Can non-German residents apply for a Privatkredit?

Yes, non-German residents can apply for a Privatkredit, but they may face stricter requirements, such as providing proof of a steady income and a permanent address in Germany.

What happens if I cannot repay my Privatkredit?

If a borrower cannot repay their Privatkredit, the lender may take legal action to recover the debt. This could include seizing assets or garnishing wages. Therefore, it’s crucial to only borrow what you can afford to repay.

Understanding Privatkredit in Germany

Definition and Explanation of Privatkredit

Privatkredit, also known as personal credit, is a type of unsecured loan that individuals can obtain from financial institutions in Germany. Unlike secured loans, Privatkredit does not require the borrower to provide collateral. Instead, the lender relies on the borrower’s creditworthiness to determine their ability to repay the loan. Privatkredit can be used for a variety of purposes, including home renovations, car purchases, or even debt consolidation.

The issuance and management of Privatkredit in Germany are governed by several laws and regulations. The primary legislation is the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, BGB), which outlines the general terms and conditions for granting loans. Additionally, the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz, KWG) regulates the activities of banks and other financial institutions, including the provision of Privatkredit. Furthermore, the German Consumer Credit Act (Verbraucherkreditgesetz, VKrG) provides specific protections for consumers, such as the right to early repayment and the requirement for clear and understandable loan agreements.

The Role of Privatkredit in the German Economy

Privatkredit plays a significant role in the German economy. By providing individuals with access to funds, Privatkredit helps stimulate consumer spending, which is a key driver of economic growth. Moreover, Privatkredit allows individuals to make large purchases or investments that they would not be able to afford otherwise, thereby promoting economic activity. Additionally, the interest paid on Privatkredit contributes to the revenues of banks and other financial institutions, which in turn supports the stability of the financial sector.


What is Privatkredit?

Privatkredit is a type of unsecured loan that individuals can obtain from financial institutions in Germany. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including home renovations, car purchases, or debt consolidation.

What laws govern Privatkredit in Germany?

The issuance and management of Privatkredit in Germany are primarily governed by the German Civil Code, the German Banking Act, and the German Consumer Credit Act.

How does Privatkredit contribute to the German economy?

Privatkredit stimulates consumer spending, allows individuals to make large purchases or investments, and contributes to the revenues of banks and other financial institutions. All of these factors support economic growth and the stability of the financial sector.

Top Privatkredit Providers in Germany

In the realm of personal credit or Privatkredit in Germany, several providers stand out due to their exceptional services, competitive pricing, and high customer satisfaction rates. These include Smava, SWK Bank, 1822 Direkt, Auxmoney, Verivox, and Tarifcheck.


Smava is a renowned online credit comparison platform in Germany that offers a wide range of financial services. It provides a transparent and comprehensive overview of different credit offers from various banks, allowing customers to choose the most suitable option for their needs. Smava’s services extend beyond personal loans and include car loans, real estate loans, and debt restructuring.

SWK Bank

SWK Bank is a direct bank that specializes in providing online loans in Germany. It offers a variety of loan products, including personal loans, car loans, and home improvement loans. The bank is known for its fast and straightforward loan application process, as well as its competitive interest rates.

1822 Direkt

1822 Direkt is a subsidiary of Frankfurter Sparkasse, one of the largest savings banks in Germany. It offers a broad spectrum of financial services, including personal loans. With its competitive interest rates and flexible repayment terms, 1822 Direkt has become a popular choice for personal credit in Germany.


Auxmoney is a peer-to-peer lending platform that connects borrowers with private investors. It offers a unique approach to personal credit, as it allows individuals who might not qualify for traditional bank loans to obtain credit. Auxmoney provides personal loans for various purposes, including debt consolidation, home improvement, and business start-ups.


Verivox is a leading online comparison portal for financial products in Germany. It offers a comprehensive overview of personal loans from different providers, enabling customers to find the best deal based on their individual needs and circumstances. Verivox also provides other financial services, such as insurance and energy contract comparisons.


Tarifcheck is another popular comparison portal for financial products in Germany. It offers a wide range of services, from personal loans and insurance comparisons to energy contract comparisons. Tarifcheck is known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive information, making it easy for customers to compare different loan offers.

Comparison of Top Privatkredit Providers

When comparing the top Privatkredit providers in Germany, several factors come into play, including pricing, services, and customer satisfaction.

In terms of pricing, Smava and Verivox stand out for their comprehensive comparison services, which allow customers to find the most competitive interest rates. SWK Bank and 1822 Direkt also offer competitive rates, while Auxmoney provides an alternative for those who might not qualify for traditional bank loans.

In terms of services, all six providers offer personal loans, but they differ in their additional offerings. Smava, Verivox, and Tarifcheck provide comparison services for various financial products, while SWK Bank, 1822 Direkt, and Auxmoney focus more on providing loans.

In terms of customer satisfaction, all six providers have received positive reviews for their services. However, it’s essential to consider individual needs and circumstances when choosing a provider.


What is the best Privatkredit provider in Germany?

The best Privatkredit provider depends on your individual needs and circumstances. It’s advisable to compare different providers and their offerings to find the best fit.

How can I apply for a Privatkredit in Germany?

You can apply for a Privatkredit online through the provider’s website. The application process usually involves filling out a form with your personal and financial information.

What factors should I consider when choosing a Privatkredit provider?

When choosing a Privatkredit provider, consider factors such as interest rates, repayment terms, additional services, and customer reviews.


Smava is a renowned online loan comparison platform based in Germany. It offers a wide range of financial services, primarily focusing on personal loans, known as Privatkredit. Smava’s platform is designed to provide users with an easy, transparent, and secure way to compare and select the best personal loan options.

Services Offered by Smava

Smava’s primary service is its comprehensive loan comparison tool. It allows users to compare different loan offers from various banks and financial institutions in Germany. The platform provides detailed information about each loan, including interest rates, repayment terms, and any additional fees. Smava also offers free personal advice to help users understand the different loan options and choose the most suitable one.

Smava’s Pricing

Smava operates on a commission-based model. It means that the platform is free for users, and Smava earns a commission from the banks and financial institutions when a user decides to take a loan through their platform. The commission does not affect the loan’s cost, as it is paid by the lending institution and not the borrower.

Pros of Using Smava

One of the main advantages of using Smava is its extensive range of loan options. Users can compare loans from different banks and financial institutions, giving them a better chance of finding a loan that suits their needs and financial situation. Smava’s platform is user-friendly, making it easy for users to compare loans and understand the terms and conditions. The platform also offers free personal advice, which can be beneficial for users who are not familiar with the loan process.

Cons of Using Smava

Despite its many advantages, there are also some downsides to using Smava. Since Smava operates on a commission-based model, there may be a potential bias towards lenders that offer higher commissions. Additionally, while Smava does provide a wide range of loan options, it does not include every lender in Germany. Therefore, users may not always see the full range of loans available in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Smava make money?

Smava makes money by earning a commission from banks and financial institutions when a user decides to take a loan through their platform.

Is Smava free for users?

Yes, Smava is free for users. The platform earns a commission from the banks and financial institutions, not the borrowers.

Does Smava offer loans?

No, Smava does not offer loans. It is a loan comparison platform that provides users with information about different loan options from various banks and financial institutions in Germany.

SWK Bank

SWK Bank stands as a reputable financial institution in Germany, known for its diverse range of services. It has carved a niche for itself in the German financial landscape by offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of its customers.

Services Offered by SWK Bank

SWK Bank offers a variety of services, with a strong emphasis on personal loans or Privatkredit. The bank provides flexible loan options with competitive interest rates, making it a popular choice among individuals seeking financial assistance. In addition to personal loans, SWK Bank also offers car loans, debt restructuring services, and fixed-term deposits.

Pricing of SWK Bank’s Services

The pricing of SWK Bank’s services is competitive and transparent. The bank’s personal loan interest rates vary depending on the loan amount and the borrower’s creditworthiness. However, the bank is known for its low-interest rates, making it an attractive option for potential borrowers. It’s always advisable to check the current rates on the bank’s official website or consult with a bank representative for the most accurate information.

Pros and Cons of Using SWK Bank

Like any financial institution, SWK Bank has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Competitive Interest Rates: SWK Bank offers some of the most competitive interest rates in the market, making it an attractive option for borrowers.
  • Quick Loan Approval: The bank boasts a quick and straightforward loan approval process, ensuring customers can access funds when they need them.
  • Excellent Customer Service: SWK Bank is known for its excellent customer service, with a team of professionals ready to assist customers at every step.


  • Limited Physical Presence: SWK Bank operates primarily online, which might not appeal to customers who prefer face-to-face interactions.
  • Strict Eligibility Criteria: The bank has strict eligibility criteria for its loans, which might make it difficult for some individuals to qualify.


What is the maximum loan amount offered by SWK Bank?

The maximum loan amount offered by SWK Bank depends on the borrower’s creditworthiness and the purpose of the loan. For the most accurate information, it’s advisable to consult directly with the bank.

How long does it take to get a loan approved by SWK Bank?

SWK Bank is known for its quick loan approval process. However, the exact time can vary depending on the individual’s circumstances and the type of loan applied for.

In conclusion, SWK Bank is a reliable option for individuals seeking personal loans in Germany. However, it’s essential to thoroughly research and compare different providers before making a decision. Consulting with a financial advisor can also provide valuable insights and help individuals make informed decisions.

1822 Direkt

1822 Direkt is a prominent online banking subsidiary of the Frankfurter Sparkasse. It offers a wide range of financial services, including personal loans or Privatkredit, savings accounts, securities trading, and insurance services. The bank is known for its competitive interest rates and flexible loan terms, making it a popular choice for Privatkredit in Germany.

Services Offered by 1822 Direkt

1822 Direkt provides a variety of financial services to meet the diverse needs of its customers. However, its Privatkredit services stand out due to their flexibility and competitive rates. These personal loans can be used for various purposes, such as financing a car, renovating a home, or consolidating debt. The bank offers loan amounts ranging from 2,500 to 50,000 euros, with loan terms between 12 and 84 months.

Pricing of 1822 Direkt’s Services

The pricing of 1822 Direkt’s Privatkredit services is based on the loan amount, term, and the borrower’s creditworthiness. The bank offers an annual percentage rate (APR) starting from 3.43% to 7.18%. It’s worth noting that these rates are subject to change and may vary depending on the individual’s credit score and financial situation.

Pros and Cons of Using 1822 Direkt

Like any financial institution, 1822 Direkt has its strengths and weaknesses.


  • Competitive interest rates: 1822 Direkt offers some of the most competitive interest rates in the market, making it an attractive option for borrowers.
  • Flexible loan terms: The bank provides flexible loan terms, allowing borrowers to choose a repayment period that suits their financial situation.
  • Wide range of loan amounts: With loan amounts ranging from 2,500 to 50,000 euros, 1822 Direkt caters to a wide range of financial needs.


  • Limited physical presence: As an online bank, 1822 Direkt has a limited physical presence, which may be a disadvantage for customers who prefer face-to-face interactions.
  • Strict eligibility criteria: The bank has strict eligibility criteria, which may make it difficult for individuals with poor credit history to secure a loan.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the maximum loan amount I can borrow from 1822 Direkt?

You can borrow up to 50,000 euros from 1822 Direkt, depending on your creditworthiness and financial situation.

How long does it take to get a loan from 1822 Direkt?

The loan approval process at 1822 Direkt is relatively quick. Once your application is approved, the funds are usually disbursed within a few working days.

Can I repay my loan early?

Yes, 1822 Direkt allows early repayment of the loan. However, it’s advisable to check with the bank for any potential fees or charges associated with early repayment.


Auxmoney is a prominent player in the German personal credit (Privatkredit) market. As a peer-to-peer lending platform, it connects borrowers directly with private investors, bypassing traditional banking systems. This innovative approach allows for a more flexible and accessible lending process, making it a popular choice among individuals and businesses seeking personal credit in Germany.

Services Offered by Auxmoney

Auxmoney offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of its clients. The platform provides personal loans ranging from €1,000 to €50,000 with repayment terms from 12 to 84 months. These loans can be used for various purposes, including debt consolidation, home improvement, business investment, and more.

In addition to personal loans, Auxmoney also offers investment opportunities for individuals looking to grow their wealth. Investors can fund loans on the platform and earn attractive returns, diversifying their investment portfolio in the process.

Pricing of Auxmoney’s Services

The pricing of Auxmoney’s services varies based on several factors, including the loan amount, term, and the borrower’s creditworthiness. Interest rates typically range from 3.2% to 19.5% per annum. There’s also a one-time origination fee of 2.95% of the loan amount for successful loan contracts.

It’s worth noting that Auxmoney uses its proprietary scoring system, which considers more than just the traditional Schufa credit score. This allows for a more comprehensive assessment of a borrower’s creditworthiness, potentially leading to more favorable loan terms.

Pros and Cons of Using Auxmoney

Like any financial service provider, Auxmoney has its advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Flexible and Accessible: Auxmoney’s peer-to-peer lending model allows for a more flexible and accessible lending process compared to traditional banks. This makes it an attractive option for individuals who may not meet the stringent requirements of traditional banks.
  2. Comprehensive Credit Assessment: Auxmoney’s proprietary scoring system considers a wide range of factors, potentially leading to more favorable loan terms for borrowers.
  3. Investment Opportunities: Auxmoney also offers investment opportunities, allowing individuals to fund loans and earn attractive returns.


  1. Higher Interest Rates: Depending on the borrower’s creditworthiness, the interest rates at Auxmoney can be higher compared to traditional banks.
  2. Origination Fee: Auxmoney charges a one-time origination fee of 2.95% of the loan amount for successful loan contracts.


Verivox, a renowned name in the German financial market, provides a wide array of services, including personal credit or Privatkredit. The company has established itself as a reliable platform for comparing and obtaining personal loans in Germany.

Verivox Services

Verivox offers a comprehensive platform where customers can compare different loan offers from various providers. The company’s services extend beyond mere comparison, providing detailed insights into each loan offer, including interest rates, repayment terms, and additional charges. Verivox also provides a loan calculator tool, enabling customers to calculate their potential monthly repayments and overall loan costs.

Verivox Pricing

Verivox operates on a commission-based model, earning from the loan providers rather than charging the customers directly. This means that customers can use Verivox’s comparison service for free. However, the actual loan costs, including interest rates and additional charges, depend on the specific loan provider chosen by the customer.

Pros and Cons of Using Verivox


  1. Comprehensive Comparison: Verivox provides a detailed comparison of various loan offers, allowing customers to make informed decisions.
  2. Free Service: Customers can use Verivox’s comparison service for free.
  3. User-Friendly: Verivox’s platform is easy to navigate, making it simple for customers to find and compare loan offers.


  1. Limited Providers: Verivox only includes loan offers from providers with whom they have a partnership, which may limit the options available to customers.
  2. Commission-Based: Since Verivox earns a commission from the loan providers, there may be a bias towards certain providers.


How reliable is Verivox’s comparison service?

Verivox has established a reputation for providing a reliable comparison service. However, customers are advised to conduct their own research before making a decision.

Does Verivox charge for its comparison service?

No, Verivox’s comparison service is free for customers. The company earns a commission from the loan providers.

Can I apply for a loan directly through Verivox?

Yes, you can apply for a loan directly through Verivox. The company will redirect you to the loan provider’s website where you can complete the application process.


Tarifcheck is a renowned financial service provider in Germany, offering a variety of services, including personal loans or Privatkredit. The company has made a significant impact in the financial sector with its comprehensive loan comparison service, which allows users to compare different loan offers from various providers.

Services Offered by Tarifcheck

Tarifcheck provides an online platform where users can compare personal loan offers from different banks and financial institutions. The platform includes a loan calculator that helps users determine the cost of the loan based on the loan amount, term, and interest rate. Tarifcheck also offers a free and non-binding loan request service, where users can apply for a loan and receive offers from different providers.

Pricing of Tarifcheck’s Services

Tarifcheck’s loan comparison service is free for users. The company earns its revenue through commission from the banks and financial institutions that are listed on its platform. The actual cost of the loan will depend on the individual loan offer, which includes the loan amount, term, and interest rate.

Pros and Cons of Using Tarifcheck


  1. Wide range of loan offers: Tarifcheck provides a comprehensive comparison of loan offers from various banks and financial institutions, giving users a wide range of options to choose from.
  2. Free and non-binding loan request service: Users can apply for a loan through Tarifcheck’s platform and receive offers from different providers without any obligation.
  3. User-friendly platform: Tarifcheck’s platform is easy to use, with a simple and intuitive interface.


  1. Limited direct services: Tarifcheck primarily operates as a comparison platform and does not offer direct loan services. Users will have to deal with the banks or financial institutions directly once they choose a loan offer.
  2. Dependence on partner institutions: The range and quality of loan offers available on Tarifcheck’s platform depend on its partner institutions.


How does Tarifcheck make money if its services are free for users?

Tarifcheck earns its revenue through commission from the banks and financial institutions that are listed on its platform.

Can I apply for a loan directly through Tarifcheck?

No, Tarifcheck does not offer direct loan services. It provides a platform where users can compare and apply for loan offers from different providers.

Is the loan request service on Tarifcheck binding?

No, the loan request service on Tarifcheck is non-binding. Users can apply for a loan and receive offers without any obligation.

Choosing the Right Privatkredit Provider

Choosing the right Privatkredit provider is a crucial step in securing personal credit in Germany. There are several factors to consider and methods to compare different providers.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Privatkredit Provider

When selecting a Privatkredit provider, it’s important to consider the following factors:

Interest Rates

Interest rates are a significant factor to consider. They can vary greatly from one provider to another, and a lower rate can save you a significant amount of money over the life of the loan.

Loan Terms

The terms of the loan, including the repayment period and any penalties for early repayment, should also be taken into account. Some providers may offer more flexible terms than others.

Customer Service

Good customer service is essential, especially if you have questions or issues with your loan. Look for providers with a strong reputation for customer service.

Provider Reputation

The reputation of the provider is another important factor. Look for providers with positive customer reviews and a strong track record in the industry.

How to Compare Different Privatkredit Providers

Comparing different Privatkredit providers can be done in several ways:

Online Comparison Tools

Online comparison tools, such as those offered by Verivox and Tarifcheck, can be a great way to compare different providers. These tools allow you to input your loan requirements and see a list of providers that meet those requirements.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the experiences of other borrowers. Look for reviews on independent review sites, as well as on the providers’ own websites.

Consultation with Financial Advisors

Consulting with a financial advisor can also be helpful. They can provide expert advice and guidance, and help you understand the pros and cons of different providers.

Tips for Negotiating the Best Terms with a Privatkredit Provider

Once you’ve chosen a provider, there are several strategies you can use to negotiate the best terms:

Understand Your Credit Score

Your credit score is a major factor in determining the terms of your loan. Understanding your score can help you negotiate better terms.

Shop Around

Don’t be afraid to shop around and compare offers from different providers. This can help you secure the best terms.

Be Prepared to Walk Away

If a provider isn’t willing to offer the terms you want, be prepared to walk away. There are many providers out there, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to accept terms that aren’t right for you.


Understanding Privatkredit in Germany is of utmost importance, especially for those who are planning to establish their financial stability in the country. The German financial market is diverse and complex, making it crucial for individuals to have a clear understanding of how personal credit works.

The Importance of Understanding Privatkredit in Germany

The concept of Privatkredit plays a significant role in the German economy. It serves as a financial tool that aids individuals and businesses in achieving their financial goals. Whether it’s for purchasing a new car, renovating a home, or investing in a business, Privatkredit can provide the necessary financial support.

Choosing the Right Privatkredit Provider

When it comes to choosing the right Privatkredit provider, one should consider several factors. These include the interest rates, the terms and conditions of the loan, the reputation of the provider, and the quality of their customer service. It’s also important to compare different providers to ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible.

Factors to Consider

  1. Interest Rates: This is one of the most important factors to consider. Lower interest rates mean lower overall cost of the loan.
  2. Terms and Conditions: Make sure to read and understand the terms and conditions of the loan. Look for any hidden fees or charges.
  3. Reputation: Check the reputation of the provider. Look for reviews and ratings online.
  4. Customer Service: Good customer service is crucial. Make sure the provider is responsive and helpful.

Encouragement for Further Personal Research and Consultation with Financial Advisors

While this article provides a comprehensive overview of Privatkredit in Germany, it’s always recommended to conduct further personal research and consult with financial advisors. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs and circumstances.

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