Best Dental Insurance in Germany - Compare Providers

Best Dental Insurance in Germany - Compare Providers [2024]


Overview of Dental Insurance in Germany

Dental insurance in Germany, known as Zahnzusatzversicherung, plays a crucial role in the healthcare system. It is designed to cover the costs of dental care, including routine check-ups, dental treatments, and even complex procedures. The German healthcare system is renowned for its high standard of care, and dental insurance is no exception. With a wide range of insurance providers and plans available, individuals can choose a plan that best suits their dental health needs and budget.

Importance of Dental Insurance

The importance of dental insurance cannot be overstated. Regular dental check-ups and treatments are vital for maintaining overall health. However, these can be costly, especially for complex procedures. Dental insurance helps to mitigate these costs, ensuring that individuals can access the dental care they need without financial strain. Moreover, dental insurance also provides peace of mind, knowing that unexpected dental costs are covered.

Brief about Zahnzusatzversicherung

Zahnzusatzversicherung, or supplementary dental insurance, is a specific type of dental insurance in Germany. It is designed to supplement the coverage provided by statutory health insurance, covering the costs of treatments and procedures that are not fully covered by the statutory insurance. This includes services such as orthodontics, dental prosthetics, and high-quality fillings. With Zahnzusatzversicherung, individuals can ensure they receive the best possible dental care, regardless of the cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zahnzusatzversicherung?

Zahnzusatzversicherung is a supplementary dental insurance in Germany that covers the costs of treatments and procedures not fully covered by statutory health insurance.

Why is dental insurance important?

Dental insurance is important as it helps to mitigate the costs of dental care, ensuring individuals can access the dental care they need without financial strain.

How does dental insurance work in Germany?

Dental insurance in Germany covers the costs of dental care, including routine check-ups, treatments, and complex procedures. Individuals can choose from a range of insurance providers and plans to best suit their needs and budget.

Understanding Dental Insurance

Dental insurance is a type of health insurance designed to pay a portion of the costs associated with dental care. It is an agreement between you and your insurance company, where you pay a monthly premium, and in return, your insurance company pays for a portion of your dental services.

Explanation of Dental Insurance

Dental insurance operates on a policy that covers a percentage of your dental care costs in exchange for a monthly or annual premium. The coverage includes routine check-ups, cleanings, x-rays, and other dental procedures. Some policies may also cover orthodontics and prosthodontics.

Types of Dental Insurance

There are several types of dental insurance available in Germany. The most common ones include:

Indemnity or Fee-for-Service Plans

These plans give you the freedom to choose any dentist you wish. They pay a percentage of your provider’s fee or the plan administrator’s “reasonable” or “customary” fee limit, whichever is less.

Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)

Under these plans, you can choose dentists from a network of providers who agree to perform services for plan members at discounted fees. If you choose a dentist outside the network, you will have to pay more.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)

These are prepaid plans where you pay a fixed monthly premium, and in return, all your basic dental care is covered. However, you must choose a dentist from within the HMO network.

How Dental Insurance Works in Germany

In Germany, statutory health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung) covers basic dental care, including check-ups, cleanings, and fillings. However, for more complex treatments like orthodontics, implants, or high-quality prosthetics, you may need additional dental insurance or Zahnzusatzversicherung.

With dental insurance, you pay a monthly premium, and the insurance company covers a portion of your dental care costs. The coverage and costs depend on the type of plan you choose. Some plans cover 100% of preventive care, 80% of basic procedures, and 50% of major procedures.

Before the treatment, your dentist will provide a cost estimate (Heil- und Kostenplan). You then submit this plan to your insurance company, which will inform you about the costs they will cover.

It’s important to note that dental insurance in Germany usually has a waiting period. This means you have to wait for a certain period after buying the policy before you can claim benefits.

In conclusion, dental insurance is a valuable investment in Germany. It helps you maintain good oral health without worrying about the high costs of dental treatments.


What does dental insurance cover in Germany?

Dental insurance in Germany covers a portion of the costs of your dental care. This includes routine check-ups, cleanings, x-rays, fillings, and other dental procedures. Some policies may also cover orthodontics and prosthodontics.

How much does dental insurance cost in Germany?

The cost of dental insurance in Germany depends on the type of plan you choose, your age, and your dental health. On average, you can expect to pay between 10 and 50 euros per month.

Is dental insurance mandatory in Germany?

No, dental insurance is not mandatory in Germany. However, it is highly recommended as it helps cover the high costs of dental treatments.

Best Dental Insurance Providers in Germany

Germany boasts a robust healthcare system, and dental insurance is a significant part of it. The top dental insurance providers in the country offer comprehensive coverage and competitive pricing. Two such providers that stand out are Getsafe and Feather.

Services and Pricing of Getsafe

Getsafe is a renowned name in the German insurance industry, offering a range of insurance products, including dental insurance. Their dental insurance plan covers both basic and major dental procedures, ensuring that policyholders have access to the best dental care.

Getsafe’s dental insurance plan covers preventive services like routine dental check-ups, cleaning, and X-rays. It also covers basic services such as fillings, extractions, and root canals. For major services like crowns, bridges, and dentures, Getsafe offers substantial coverage.

In terms of pricing, Getsafe’s dental insurance plans are competitively priced. The cost of the plan depends on the level of coverage chosen by the policyholder. However, it’s worth noting that Getsafe offers flexible payment options, making it easier for individuals to afford quality dental care.

Services and Pricing of Feather

Feather is another top dental insurance provider in Germany. Known for its simplicity and transparency, Feather offers a comprehensive dental insurance plan that covers a wide range of dental services.

Feather’s dental insurance plan includes coverage for preventive services such as regular check-ups, cleanings, and X-rays. It also covers basic services like fillings, extractions, and root canals. For major dental procedures such as crowns, bridges, and dentures, Feather provides substantial coverage.

When it comes to pricing, Feather’s dental insurance plans are competitively priced. The cost of the plan depends on the level of coverage chosen by the policyholder. Like Getsafe, Feather also offers flexible payment options, making it easier for individuals to afford quality dental care.

Ottonova Dental Insurance

Introduction to Ottonova

Ottonova is a renowned digital health insurance provider in Germany. The company offers a comprehensive range of health insurance services, including dental insurance. Ottonova’s dental insurance is designed to provide extensive coverage for various dental treatments, ensuring that clients receive the best dental care without worrying about the costs.

Ottonova’s Dental Insurance Services

Ottonova’s dental insurance services cover a wide range of dental treatments. These include preventative care, dental check-ups, orthodontics, dental prosthetics, and major dental procedures. The insurance also covers treatments that are typically not included in statutory health insurance, such as professional teeth cleaning, high-quality fillings, and dental implants.

Preventative Care

Preventative care is a crucial aspect of Ottonova’s dental insurance services. This includes regular check-ups and professional teeth cleaning, which are essential for maintaining good oral health.


Ottonova’s dental insurance provides coverage for orthodontic treatments. This includes both conventional braces and modern orthodontic solutions like Invisalign.

Dental Prosthetics and Major Procedures

The insurance also covers dental prosthetics, including bridges, crowns, and dentures. Major dental procedures, such as root canal treatments and dental surgeries, are also included in the coverage.

Pricing of Ottonova’s Dental Insurance

The pricing of Ottonova’s dental insurance varies depending on the level of coverage chosen by the client. The company offers three levels of dental insurance: Basic, Comfort, and Premium. The Basic plan starts at a monthly premium of €10, the Comfort plan starts at €20 per month, and the Premium plan starts at €30 per month. The exact pricing depends on the client’s age and health condition.

Basic Plan

The Basic plan is the most affordable option, providing coverage for essential dental treatments.

Comfort Plan

The Comfort plan offers a higher level of coverage, including orthodontics and high-quality fillings.

Premium Plan

The Premium plan provides the most comprehensive coverage, including dental implants and major dental procedures.


What does Ottonova’s dental insurance cover?

Ottonova’s dental insurance covers a wide range of dental treatments, including preventative care, orthodontics, dental prosthetics, and major dental procedures.

How much does Ottonova’s dental insurance cost?

The pricing of Ottonova’s dental insurance varies depending on the level of coverage chosen by the client. The Basic plan starts at a monthly premium of €10, the Comfort plan starts at €20 per month, and the Premium plan starts at €30 per month.

Is Ottonova’s dental insurance worth it?

Yes, Ottonova’s dental insurance provides extensive coverage for various dental treatments, ensuring that clients receive the best dental care without worrying about the costs.


Understanding Zahnzusatzversicherung

Zahnzusatzversicherung is a supplemental dental insurance in Germany that covers costs not included in the standard health insurance. This additional coverage is crucial as the statutory health insurance (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung - GKV) often only covers a fraction of the total dental costs, especially for complex treatments and high-quality dental prosthetics.

Benefits of Zahnzusatzversicherung

The primary benefit of Zahnzusatzversicherung is the comprehensive coverage it provides. It covers a wide range of dental procedures, including orthodontic treatments, dental prosthetics, high-quality fillings, and even professional dental cleanings. This insurance can cover up to 100% of the costs, depending on the plan, making dental care more affordable for policyholders.

Moreover, having a Zahnzusatzversicherung gives you the freedom to choose high-quality treatments without worrying about the cost. It also allows you to maintain good oral health, which is crucial for overall health and wellbeing.

How to Choose the Best Zahnzusatzversicherung

Choosing the best Zahnzusatzversicherung requires careful consideration of several factors.

Assess Your Dental Needs

Firstly, assess your dental needs. If you have a history of dental issues or anticipate needing complex dental work in the future, a comprehensive plan would be beneficial.

Consider the Coverage

Secondly, consider the coverage. The best Zahnzusatzversicherung covers a wide range of dental procedures, including preventative care, orthodontic treatments, and high-quality dental prosthetics.

Check the Reimbursement Rate

Thirdly, check the reimbursement rate. Some policies cover up to 100% of the costs, while others only cover a percentage.

Look at Waiting Periods

Lastly, look at waiting periods. Some policies have waiting periods before you can claim benefits, so it’s essential to check this before signing up.


What is Zahnzusatzversicherung?

Zahnzusatzversicherung is a supplemental dental insurance in Germany that covers costs not included in the standard health insurance.

Why is Zahnzusatzversicherung important?

Zahnzusatzversicherung is important because it covers a wide range of dental procedures, making dental care more affordable for policyholders.

How to choose the best Zahnzusatzversicherung?

Choosing the best Zahnzusatzversicherung requires careful consideration of your dental needs, the coverage, the reimbursement rate, and the waiting periods.

Comparing Dental Insurance Providers

When it comes to dental insurance in Germany, there are several providers to choose from. This section will focus on comparing three of the top providers: Getsafe, Feather, and Ottonova.

Factors to Consider When Comparing Providers

When comparing dental insurance providers, it’s important to consider several factors. These include the range of services covered, the cost of premiums, customer service quality, and the ease of claiming process.

Range of Services

Different providers offer different services. Some may cover basic dental care, while others may include orthodontic treatments and dental surgeries.

Cost of Premiums

The cost of premiums is another crucial factor. Some providers may offer lower premiums but may not cover all dental services. On the other hand, providers with higher premiums may offer comprehensive coverage.

Customer Service

Good customer service is essential in any insurance provider. Providers should be able to answer queries promptly and handle claims efficiently.

Claiming Process

The ease of the claiming process is another factor to consider. Some providers may have a complicated claiming process, which can be a hassle for policyholders.

Comparison of Getsafe, Feather, and Ottonova


Getsafe offers a range of dental insurance services at competitive prices. Their services include preventative care, dental treatments, and orthodontics.


Feather, on the other hand, offers a more comprehensive coverage, including dental surgeries. However, their premiums are slightly higher than Getsafe.


Ottonova offers a wide range of services, including preventative care, dental treatments, orthodontics, and dental surgeries. Their premiums are competitive, and they have a reputation for excellent customer service.

Tips for Choosing the Right Provider

When choosing a dental insurance provider, it’s important to consider your individual needs and budget. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice: - Compare the range of services offered by different providers. - Consider the cost of premiums and the extent of coverage. - Check the provider’s customer service reputation. - Consider the ease of the claiming process. - Read reviews and testimonials from other customers.


Which dental insurance provider offers the most comprehensive coverage?

While all three providers offer a range of services, Feather and Ottonova offer more comprehensive coverage, including dental surgeries.

Which provider offers the best customer service?

While all three providers have good customer service, Ottonova is known for its excellent customer service.

Which provider has the easiest claiming process?

The ease of the claiming process can vary among providers. It’s best to check with the provider or read reviews from other customers.


Recap of the Importance of Dental Insurance

Dental insurance, particularly in Germany, plays a significant role in maintaining oral health. It provides coverage for a variety of dental procedures, ensuring that individuals can access necessary treatments without incurring substantial costs. Dental insurance can cover preventative care, restorations, orthodontics, and even complex procedures, making it an essential part of healthcare.

Final Thoughts on Choosing a Provider

Choosing a dental insurance provider is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. The best provider is not only one that offers comprehensive coverage but also one that aligns with your specific needs and budget. It’s essential to compare different providers, considering factors such as the range of services, pricing, customer reviews, and the ease of claim process. Whether it’s Getsafe, Feather, or Ottonova, each provider has its unique offerings that may suit different individuals.


  • What does dental insurance cover in Germany? Dental insurance in Germany typically covers preventative care, restorations, orthodontics, and complex procedures. However, the extent of coverage can vary between providers.

  • How do I choose the best dental insurance provider in Germany? Consider factors such as the range of services, pricing, customer reviews, and the ease of claim process. It’s also recommended to conduct further research and compare different providers.

  • Why is it important to have dental insurance in Germany? Dental insurance provides coverage for a variety of dental procedures, ensuring that individuals can access necessary treatments without incurring substantial costs. It’s an essential part of healthcare.

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