Best Blocked Account Providers in Germany - Comparison and Guide

Best Blocked Account Providers in Germany - Comparison and Guide


Understanding the Concept of a Blocked Account (Sperrkonto) in Germany

A blocked account, also known as a Sperrkonto, is a special type of bank account common in Germany. It is primarily designed for foreign students and job seekers as a proof of financial resources when applying for a German visa. The account holder cannot access the entire amount in the account immediately but receives a limited amount monthly, ensuring a steady source of funds throughout their stay in Germany.

The Necessity and Benefits of Having a Blocked Account for Foreigners in Germany

Having a blocked account is often a mandatory requirement for foreigners applying for a German visa. It serves as proof that the individual can support themselves financially during their stay. The benefits are manifold. It ensures the account holder has a regular monthly income to cover living expenses. It also provides a degree of financial security, as the money in the account is protected and cannot be spent all at once.

Brief Overview of Different Blocked Account Providers in Germany

There are several providers of blocked accounts in Germany, each with its unique features and pricing structures. Some of the notable providers include Expatario, Coracle, Fintiba, and Deutsche Bank. These providers offer different services, including online account opening, customer support in multiple languages, and competitive pricing. It’s important to compare these providers and choose the one that best fits your needs and circumstances.


Expatario offers a fully digital blocked account opening process, with customer support in English and German. They have competitive pricing and offer additional services like health insurance.


Coracle is known for its easy and fast account opening process. They offer customer support in multiple languages and have a straightforward pricing structure.


Fintiba offers a comprehensive package including a blocked account, health insurance, and other services. Their account opening process is fully digital, and they offer customer support in several languages.

Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank, a well-known international bank, offers blocked accounts for foreigners in Germany. They have physical branches all over the country and offer a range of additional banking services.

Understanding Blocked Accounts

What is a Blocked Account?

A blocked account, also known as a ‘Sperrkonto’ in Germany, is a special type of bank account designed for foreign students or job seekers. It serves as a proof of financial resources when applying for a German visa. The account is ‘blocked’ because a certain amount of money must be deposited into it, which cannot be withdrawn all at once. Instead, a fixed amount can be withdrawn monthly, ensuring the account holder has sufficient funds to cover living expenses throughout their stay in Germany.

The Process of Opening a Blocked Account in Germany

Opening a blocked account in Germany involves several steps. Firstly, the applicant needs to choose a blocked account provider. After selecting a provider, the applicant must complete an online application form, providing personal details and information about their stay in Germany. Once the application is approved, the applicant is required to transfer a predetermined amount into the account. The exact amount varies depending on the provider and the applicant’s circumstances. After the funds are transferred, the account is officially ‘blocked’, and the applicant receives a confirmation, which can be used as proof of financial resources when applying for a German visa.

Blocked accounts in Germany are regulated by the German Federal Foreign Office. According to their regulations, foreign students or job seekers must prove they have sufficient financial resources to cover their living expenses. This is typically achieved by depositing a minimum of 10,236 Euros into a blocked account. Furthermore, account holders can only withdraw a maximum of 853 Euros per month. However, these figures can vary depending on the individual’s circumstances and the specific requirements of their visa.

It’s important to note that blocked accounts must be opened in a German or European bank that is recognized by the German Federal Foreign Office. Moreover, the account must be opened in the name of the account holder, and third-party access is generally not permitted.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a blocked account in Germany?

A blocked account serves as proof of financial resources for foreign students or job seekers applying for a German visa. It ensures the account holder has sufficient funds to cover their living expenses throughout their stay in Germany.

How much money do I need to deposit into a blocked account?

The minimum deposit for a blocked account is typically 10,236 Euros. However, this amount can vary depending on the individual’s circumstances and the specific requirements of their visa.

Can I withdraw all my money from a blocked account at once?

No, you cannot withdraw all your money from a blocked account at once. The account is ‘blocked’, meaning you can only withdraw a fixed amount each month, typically up to 853 Euros.

Best Blocked Account Providers in Germany

In this section, we will explore some of the top blocked account providers in Germany, focusing on their services and pricing structures. The providers we will be examining include Expatario, Coracle, and Fintiba.

Expatario’s Services and Pricing

Expatario is a popular choice among foreigners in Germany due to its comprehensive services. The company offers a simple and quick process for opening a blocked account. They provide a digital interface that allows customers to manage their accounts conveniently.

As for pricing, Expatario charges a one-time setup fee and a monthly maintenance fee. The exact cost may vary depending on the individual’s circumstances and requirements.

Coracle’s Blocked Account Offerings and Cost Structure

Coracle is another reliable blocked account provider in Germany. The company stands out for its customer-centric services, offering 24/7 customer support and a user-friendly platform.

In terms of cost, Coracle has a transparent pricing structure. They charge a one-time setup fee and a monthly maintenance fee. The company also offers a money-back guarantee if the account is not opened successfully.

Fintiba’s Blocked Account Services and Pricing

Fintiba is a well-known blocked account provider in Germany, recognized for its efficient and secure services. The company offers a fully digital process for opening a blocked account, making it a convenient option for foreigners.

When it comes to pricing, Fintiba charges a one-time setup fee and a monthly fee for account maintenance. The company is transparent about its pricing, ensuring customers are aware of all costs upfront.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a blocked account? A blocked account is a special type of bank account designed for foreigners in Germany. It is used to prove that the individual has sufficient funds to cover their living expenses.

  • How much does it cost to open a blocked account? The cost of opening a blocked account varies depending on the provider. It typically includes a one-time setup fee and a monthly maintenance fee.

  • Can I open a blocked account online? Yes, most blocked account providers, including Expatario, Coracle, and Fintiba, offer a fully digital process for opening a blocked account.

Comparing Blocked Account Providers

When it comes to blocked account providers in Germany, three names often come to the forefront - Expatario, Coracle, and Fintiba. Each of these providers offers unique services, pricing, and customer experiences that cater to different needs and circumstances.

Expatario, Coracle, and Fintiba: A Comparative Analysis


Expatario offers a comprehensive blocked account service that is tailored to meet the needs of expatriates. The service is easy to use, with a straightforward application process. The pricing structure is transparent, with no hidden fees. Customer reviews highlight the efficiency and reliability of Expatario’s services.


Coracle’s blocked account services are known for their flexibility and affordability. The provider offers a range of options to suit different budgetary requirements. Customers appreciate the responsive customer service and the ease of managing their accounts online.


Fintiba stands out for its digital-first approach. The provider offers a fully online blocked account service, which is a major advantage for those who prefer digital banking. The pricing is competitive, and customer reviews often mention the user-friendly interface and prompt customer support.

Deutsche Bank’s Blocked Account Services

Deutsche Bank, a leading financial institution in Germany, also offers blocked account services. The bank’s services are known for their reliability and security. The pricing structure is clear and straightforward, with no hidden charges. Customers also benefit from the extensive network and reputation of Deutsche Bank.

Choosing the Best Blocked Account Provider

Choosing the best blocked account provider depends on individual needs and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Service Quality: Look for a provider that offers reliable and efficient services. This includes a smooth application process, quick account setup, and prompt customer support.

  • Pricing: Compare the pricing structures of different providers. Look for transparency and affordability. Avoid providers with hidden charges.

  • Customer Reviews: Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality of services. Look for providers with positive customer feedback.

  • Digital Convenience: If you prefer online banking, choose a provider that offers digital services.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a blocked account? A blocked account is a special type of bank account designed for foreign students and job seekers in Germany. It proves that the individual has sufficient funds to live in Germany.

  2. How to open a blocked account? The process of opening a blocked account varies depending on the provider. It generally involves filling out an application form, providing necessary documents, and depositing the required amount.

  3. Can I switch my blocked account provider? Yes, you can switch your blocked account provider. However, it’s important to check the terms and conditions of your current provider to avoid any penalties or charges.

  4. What are the benefits of a blocked account? A blocked account ensures that you have sufficient funds for your stay in Germany. It also simplifies the visa application process.

Remember, the best blocked account provider for you depends on your individual needs and circumstances. Take the time to compare different providers and choose the one that best suits your requirements.

How to Open a Blocked Account

Opening a blocked account in Germany involves a series of steps that vary slightly depending on the provider. This section will guide you through the process with Expatario, Coracle, Fintiba, and Deutsche Bank.

Opening a Blocked Account with Expatario

  1. Visit the Expatario website and click on the ‘Open Blocked Account’ option.
  2. Fill in the required personal information and upload the necessary documents.
  3. Wait for the verification process, which usually takes a few days.
  4. Once verified, transfer the required amount to your new blocked account.

Opening a Blocked Account with Coracle

  1. Go to the Coracle website and select ‘Open a Blocked Account’.
  2. Provide the requested personal details and upload the required documents.
  3. Wait for the verification process to complete.
  4. Upon verification, transfer the required funds to your blocked account.

Opening a Blocked Account with Fintiba

  1. Navigate to the Fintiba website and choose ‘Open Blocked Account’.
  2. Enter your personal details as requested and upload the necessary documents.
  3. Wait for the verification process.
  4. Once verified, you can transfer the required amount to your blocked account.

Opening a Blocked Account with Deutsche Bank

  1. Visit the Deutsche Bank website and select ‘Open Blocked Account’.
  2. Fill in your personal details and upload the required documents.
  3. Wait for the verification process to complete.
  4. Upon verification, transfer the required funds to your blocked account.

Necessary Documents and Prerequisites for Opening a Blocked Account

Regardless of the provider, you will need the following documents to open a blocked account in Germany: - Valid passport - Proof of admission from a German university (for students) - Proof of financial resources - Proof of address

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Opening a blocked account in Germany can be challenging, especially for foreigners. Some common issues include:

Language Barrier

The language barrier can be a significant challenge when opening a blocked account. To overcome this, consider using a provider that offers services in English or your native language.

Verification Process

The verification process can be lengthy and may require additional documents. To expedite the process, ensure you have all the necessary documents ready and follow the provider’s instructions carefully.

Transfer of Funds

Transferring funds to a German blocked account can be complicated due to international banking regulations. To avoid issues, use a reliable international money transfer service.


  • Can I open a blocked account online? Yes, most providers allow you to open a blocked account online.

  • How long does it take to open a blocked account? The process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the provider and the verification process.

  • Can I access my funds immediately after opening the account? No, you can only access your funds after arriving in Germany and completing the identification process.

  • What is the minimum amount required to open a blocked account? The minimum amount varies by provider, but it is typically around €8,640 per year.

  • Can I use a blocked account as a regular bank account? No, a blocked account is specifically designed to prove financial resources for a visa or residence permit. It is not intended for daily banking activities.


Blocked accounts, or Sperrkonto, play a significant role in Germany, especially for foreigners who are planning to stay in the country for an extended period. The primary benefit of a blocked account is that it serves as proof of financial resources, a requirement for obtaining a German visa. It ensures that the account holder has sufficient funds to support themselves during their stay in Germany, thereby reducing the risk of financial hardship.

Moreover, blocked accounts offer a secure way of managing funds. The money deposited into these accounts is protected and can only be withdrawn at a fixed monthly rate. This feature ensures a steady income stream for the account holder, enabling them to plan their finances effectively.

Final Thoughts on Choosing the Best Blocked Account Provider

Selecting the best blocked account provider is a critical decision that can significantly impact your financial experience in Germany. The choice should be based on several factors, including the provider’s service offerings, cost structure, customer reviews, and overall reputation.

Expatario, Coracle, Fintiba, and Deutsche Bank are among the top providers in Germany, each with its unique strengths. For instance, Expatario is known for its competitive pricing, while Coracle offers a wide range of services. Fintiba stands out for its customer-centric approach, and Deutsche Bank is renowned for its robust banking infrastructure.

However, it’s essential to note that the “best” provider will vary depending on individual needs and circumstances. Therefore, potential account holders should carefully evaluate each provider and choose the one that best aligns with their specific requirements.


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